Ubuntu comes from the Bantu language meaning “I am because we are.”
Mission: To foster healing and thriving from the harm done by racial trauma.
Vision: To create an enduring legacy of hopefulness and wholeness that brings purpose and thriving.
Ubuntu House is an initiative of AALR intended to foster healing from harm done by racial trauma, build community, and inspire action.
We invite you to join us as we honor the oneness of humanity. Help yourself and others heal from racial trauma and minimize the biases we individually and collectively hold about others.
Ubuntu House seeks to help educate, understand, and minimize racial trauma.

Our 2024 Goal--To reach $40,000 by Dec. 31st!
Thanks to the generosity of wonderful friends and supporters of Ubuntu House, we have raised $30,000. Our goal for 2024 is to reach $40,000.
Our long term goal to obtain property with offices, meeting space and overnight accommodations (typically 1-3 night stays) for small retreats. This will be a space for learning about racial trauma, inner soul work, respite from mental fatigue, fellowship, and consensus-building.
Additionally, we hope to build alliances with partner organizations around the country.
Every donation is appreciated.
Come join us in our work.

Monthly Prayer Call
2nd Monday on of every month, 6:30p CT. To join, call our free conference call number at 720-708-1181, access code 4194748.
Email Amania at niaenterprises1@comcast.net if you’d like details on joining the Monthly Prayer Call.
Mon, March 4 – Tues., March 5, 2024
Ubuntu House is pleased to be meeting with partner organizations in Kansas City, MO.
We are focused on learning about and acting on the harm done by racial trauma. Ubuntu House was also mentioned in yesterday’s online Together is Better Alliance newsletter under the Minority Mental Health Awareness Month article.
Thurs., March 14, 2024, 6-8p CT
Oak Park Baha’i Center, 124 Madison Street ( Racial Reconciliation Discussion)
Ubuntu House will be hosting an in-person discussion, “Rewriting Our Narratives on Racial Trauma.” Click here to register.
A light meal will be served. Parking is free along Madison Street and nearby Lombard Street. Parking is also available in the Oak Park Village Hall parking lot across Madison Street. Be mindful of all signage about parking.
Sun., June 9, 2024-
Race Amity Day (Celebration details TBD)
See what we have been up to !
On Monday, February 12, 2024-- We had a wonderful discussion of Ava Duvernay's movie, Origin. The movie is still showing in limited movie theaters. We encourage you to watch this enlightening film based on the life of Pulitzer Prize winning author, Isabel Wilkerson, and her #1 New York Times best seller, “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents.”