About this Initiative
AALR is partnering with the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church (NICUMC) on the HEAL Well Initiative.
To bring faith and community stakeholders together to create a more sustainable society for the present and the the future through planting trees and aiding in community gardens.
Our vision for the future is to have relationships of trust and learning that care for God's creation.
HEAL Well hopes to engage with and develop a core group of at least 25 high school students in the communities where they will serve. These students will be the primary planters of trees and provide maintenance to bring forth mature trees.
A stipend will be paid to the youth. In addition, HEAL Well hopes to engage 25+ United Methodist volunteers to volunteer with community gardens at least once a month for a minimum of 2 hour during the growing season (May-September.)
Our vision is a community where youth reach their highest potential and become contributing members of society.

Our mission is to empower youth, especially youth of African descent, by providing opportunities for academic achievement, literacy and resiliency.
"At the dawn of a new beginning for our youth."

UBUNTU HOUSE--A Path Toward Racial Healing
Ubuntu House is the newest initiative under the AALR umbrella. From the Bantu language, Ubuntu means“ I am because we are.” The dream child and passion project of AALR president, Amania Drane, Ubuntu House seeks to provide a restorative retreat space where people can gather to experience healing from racial trauma.
Vision statement: To create an enduring legacy of hopefulness and wholeness that brings purpose and thriving.
Mission Statement: To foster healing and thriving from the harm done by racial trauma.
Ending 2023 with Great Impact
We ended this year with 2 successful events to engage the community and our volunteers.
Thurs., Dec. 14-- We had a gathering to delve into how childhood experiences racism and/or trauma affect our understanding of who we are and how we see the world.
Thurs., Dec. 21--Our volunteers and partners came together to volunteer at Christmas at Cantigny. It was phenomenal volunteer work and our volunteers are eager to do more work with us.

Ubuntu House Volunteers at Cantigny

By the end of 2024, our goal is to find meeting space and ultimately obtain a property with offices, meeting space for one-day visits, meetings, and workshops and overnight accommodations (typically 1-3 night stays). As we build our brand, we will provide virtual and limited in-person spaces for conversation, learning, and understanding about racial trauma, skill-building to overcome generational racial trauma, and healing techniques for healing, wholeness, and thriving.
Please help us reach this goal by making a donation.